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  • Desmond Morris- bestselling author and internationally renowned anthropologist, offers a unique appreciation of art- from the most ancient artefact to contemporary event art. Featuring more than 350 illustrations of international art, he combines his deep understanding of human behaviour and his love of art.
  • The definition of art- Roots of art: the anthropology of art- Non-human art: drawings and paintings by animals - Child art: the personal unfolding of the artistic impulse -Prehistoric art: from hunter-gatherers to the first farmers --Tribal art: the images of tribal societies - Ancient art: the birth of civilised art - Traditional art: from the sacred to the salon - Modern art: post-photographic art - Folk art: uneducated art in an educated world - Roles of art: roads to the extraordinary.

The Artistic Ape : Three Million Years of Art

SKU: AZ6172


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