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  • L'Aquarelle Sennelier has been produced in the same way for more than a century using high-quality pigments and top quality Kordofan Gum Arabic as a bonding agent.
  • The honey used in L'Aquarelle Sennelier acts not only as a preservative but also as an additive that adds brilliance and smoothness to the paint.
  • Sennelier has revamped its watercolour formula, increasing the amount of honey to reinforce the longevity, radiance, and luminosity of the colours.
  • True to Sennelier's roots, the colour palette remains that of the Impressionists and the paint is, as always, made in France using traditional methods.
  • Each colour is ground in the traditional way using grindstones rotating slowly so as not to heat up the paste.
  • This operation is carried out in several stages until the paste are as fine as possible, getting rid of any particles which might impair the smoothness of the wash.
  • This set contains the following colours:

(574) Primary Yellow

(675) French Vermillion

(344) Cinerous Blue
(314) French Ultramarine Blue
(805) Phthalo Light Green
(819) Sap Green
(202) Burnt Umber
(703) Payne's Gray

The dimensions of the box measure 4 x 2.5 x 1in.

Sennelier Watercolour Paint Half Pan Aqua Mini - Set of 8

SKU: AZ2599


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