Koi Water Colors capture the interest of professionals, fine artists, and students alike when applying to dry or wet paper.
They’ve discovered that the special binding agent, specially selected pigments and instant response to water of this medium provide opportunities to.
- Combine an array of colours to match their subject matter.
- Spread colour easily and evenly across the paper.
- Create spontaneous washes with soft edges, layer, merge and adjust colours in whatever painting technique is chosen.
- Containing colours in a 12 ml size laminate tube prevents the cracks and punctures found with tin or aluminium tubes.
- Available in a 12-colour set with one tube each - Lemon Yellow, Deep Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Yellow-Green, Burnt Sienna, Vermilion Hue, Carmine, Viridian Hue, Cobalt Blue Hue, Prussian blue, Ivory Black, Chinese White.
- Meets ACMI non-toxicity standards
Sakura Koi Watercolour 12ml set of 12
SKU: AZ1114