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  • The Fat Cap gold/black is wide fat cap, for  average spray width from 20cm (7.87“). The spray width changes with the used distance to the object. For skinnier lines, spray from a closer distance. For fatter lines, spray from a further distance.
  • For those of you that have pressing down nozzles on cans for a long time, you may remember the Fat Cap Gold as the old Level 5 fat cap in the original Montana Cans Level cap system. Montana Cans developed the fat cap Gold as the widest spraying cap for specific graffiti use. At the time we thought we had invented the wheel. After we developed the new Level 6 cap for the current Montana Gold Level cap system, we thought we had re-invented the "fat cap" wheel again. But with its massive, beautifully clean round lines (considering its spray width)
  • With the Level 6 fat cap as well, our fat cap assortment extended for lovers of fat line work and fast application. The spray width changes subject to the distance used from the substrate.
  • For wide lines, spray from a closer distance. For even wider lines, spray from a further distance to the substrate. Please note, due to higher paint output, using Fat Caps may result in dripping or excessive paint application in some contexts.

Montana Fat Cap Gold Black

SKU: AZ3398


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